Be green and informed

Over the years we’ve read about and watched in TV the importance of being Green; saving energy,recycling as well as using biodegradable utensils and plates. There is more to creating a greener planet than just buying e-books to save paper, but more in-depth ways and and understand of these steps.

It’s suggested that planting a garden, switching any light bulbs from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent. Considering suggestions like this is an approach ecological living.

Some of these steps to a greener planet are not as easy as they seem to be, an article by reported.

The importance of implementing organic farming around the world is sustainable, and effective in our well-being. Organic products do not contain harmful chemicals, but nourish the body.

Pesticide manufacturers, or detractors have said that organic farming is not an option because it would cause lower food production, a article reported. This quickly leads to the importance of nutrition education in school, not taught from the traditional food pyramid.

Children who are taught at a young age where foods come from and why certain foods are healthy for them compared to processed foods, will stick with them throughout their whole lives. When children grow up with good eating habits, they won’t crave those sugary cakes and cupcakes, but will enjoy vegetables and monitor their sugar intake.

Understanding the difference between nutritious foods and manufactured products will impart knowledge to the next generation, reported. Diabetes and obesity do not have to be an epidemic in the U.S.

When consumers use compact fluorescent lamps, they use 75 percent less energy than the average light bulb, saving hundreds of dollars a year in electricity costs. Although in some house hold products mercury has been found, which would cause a problem if the light bulbs broke.

An average of four milligrams of mercury per bulb is found in these fluorescent lamps, which poses health risks for pregnant woman and young children. A positive in this energy and planet saving product is the instructions and information found on The Environmental Working Group Website.

The Environmental Working Group Website offers instructions in proper clean-up if a light bulb were to break. The disposal process can be done responsibly by recycling the bulbs.

Staying informed on the in-depth reasons on creating a greener world and new year can help consumers make the best decisions for themselves and families.