By Diana Dinh, Kapi‘o Staff Writer /
Kapi‘olani Community College is inviting the public to explore the campus and all of its unique offerings this Friday, Nov. 6, at the first annual “Your Kapi‘olani Experience” open house showcase.
The event, which runs from 4 to 7 p.m., will feature a series of “destinations,” hosted by KCC faculty, staff and students that will highlight the school’s achievements, history, projects, facilities and programs.
Event coordinator Joanne Whitaker said she hopes the Kapi‘olani Experience will become an annual event.
Visitors will start their journey at the Star Compass in front of Ohi‘a, where they will receive a event passport, which will contain synopses of features and activities at each destination. Visitors are then free to explore the various hosted sites at their leisure.

Visitors will start their journey at the Star Compass in front of Ohi‘a, where they will receive a event passport, which will contain synopses of features and activities at each destination. Visitors are then free to explore the various hosted sites at their leisure.
The event will also a chili contest, as well as performances by Anne Craig Lum and KCC student musicians, the Royal Hawaiian Band, and Roosevelt High School students under the direction of kumu hula Blaine Dutro.
The destinations include:
- Room 118, Culinary Arts: Student demonstrations and Q&A with chefs.
- Room 202, STEM: Undergraduate Research Experience poster presentations of faculty-mentored student research projects.
- Room 203, STEM: Display of instruments and techniques used to diagnose disease, including electromyograph, myoactivator and electrocardiogram.
- Room 207, STEM: Robot demonstrations and poster presentations on black holes and wireless energy transfer.
- Room 106, International Café: Demonstration on how to make roti (an Indian
Bread) and sale of handmade cards and objects made from recycled.
- Room 105, Radiography Training Laboratory: Hosted tour of the only radiography training program laboratory in Hawai‘i, showcasing the latest X-ray technology.
- Room 208, Massage Therapy Training Laboratory: Complimentary neck massage.
- Room 217, Respiratory Training Laboratory: Meet-and-mingle with respiratory therapy students.
- Koa Art Gallery: Tour of the exceptional local art.
- Koa 102, New Media Arts: Exhibition of highly creative, cutting- edge computer animation and digital media design.
- Koa 200, Art: Exhibition of printmaking design and metal 3D printing.
- Kopiko Learning Center: A virtual scavenger hunt using smart phones to tour Legal Land, Accounting World, Technology Town, and Marketing Central.
Leahi Hospital
- Room 003, Simulation Laboratory: Exhibition of simulation technology using lifelike patient mannequins and free blood pressure measurement.
Manono and Manele
- Global Learning and Development: Chinese character writing, Japanese etiquette, legacy writing, and storytelling about Hawaii, and a WoNdErLaNd of Brain Games, featuring different games and how they relate to learning objectives and retention of information. Plus, Hawaiian music by the Manono Ohana.
- Mala Maunuunu Garden, Hawaiian Studies: Exhibition of native plants after which KCC building are named.