The man pictured on the left wearing the blue plaid collard shirt caused a disturbance in the Manele building. Photo: Devin Takahashi/Kapiʻo.
Feb. 13 – At approximately 2:55 p.m. a man in his late 20’s was sited walking around the Manele building.
According to a witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, the man was in a disoriented state as he walked into a classroom asking to speak to a teacher so he could volunteer to cut the grass.
Students directed the man to Hawaiian Studies 107 Professor, David McGuire, who lead the man outside the building as he confronted him.
After questioning, the man was then brought to the lobby inside Manele.
When McGuire returned to his classroom, he mentioned to his students that the man seemed drugged, intoxicated or crazy. Campus security was then called to the scene.
The Manele building was put on temporary lock down till police and Campus Security escorted the man away at approximately 3:45 p.m.
The Kapi‘o will update this story if more information becomes available.