Kapiolani Community College Office of Students Activities Hours

Office of Student Activities is open on the  January 3th- 6th  from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m.  Beat the long lines for the U-pass, Student IDs and Lot A parking permits. Requirements for the U-pass must be a current valid KCC spring 2012 ID. The U-pass is $150 and is cash only and exact change only. To get Parking lot A pass from now until Jan 13th studetns will need to bring their class schedule showing that they have class in Kalia, Koa, Kopiko, Maile, Mamane, Manele, Manono, Mokihana. On January 17th lot a permits open up to all KCC students. Office of Student Activites will resume normal hours next week on January 9th Monday.

Here are the hours

Mon – Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 6:00p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Closed on weekends and holidays

Here is the link for the parking Lot A forms http://osa.kcc.hawaii.edu/forms/LotA_SPR12.pdf