Make use of your textbook

It’s the end of the semester and you have a bunch of textbooks that you can no longer use and for one reason or another you can’t sell them back to the bookstore. Selling them online is too humbug due to shipping. So what do you do with them? Here’s a list of kooky and creative ideas to spark your imagination.

10. Play fetch with your dog
Textbooks are flat objects, making it easy to throw around. Use it as a toy for your dog. They’ll be more than happy to play with you and once you’re bored, they can shred up the book.

9. Door stopper
The heavier or hard-covered textbooks make the perfect door stopper. Just throw it by your door on a windy day. Or you could throw it at your open door in attempt to close it, getting that annoying roommate away from you.

8. Balance a table
Ever get irritated when the table you are sitting at is wobbly? A simple fix would be to stick your textbook under its leg. Problem solved.

7. Make stars
If you cut the pages into strips, you can fold them into stars. From there you can either string them together for a graduation lei, or put a bunch of them in a glass jar to give as a gift.

6. Paperweight
The smaller textbooks can be used as paperweights to keep your documents from flying all over the place. This way, your desk can be a little more organized.

5. Confetti decoration
Send your textbooks through a paper shredder. Then you can gather up the shreds and use them as party decorations. Or you can incorporate them in your gift wrapping like Easter grass.

4. A ninja star
Textbooks are an excellent line of self-defense. You can bonk someone on the head for a wise crack or you can whip it like a ninja star. Either way, you’ll leave a mark.

3. Origami
Turn the rectangle pages into square ones and you can create beautiful origami. The pictures and text on the pages will be a nice decorative aspect of your artwork. See how many different types you can make.

2. Start a fire
In the summer, it’s tradition to spend a lot of time outdoors, celebrating the break from school in Hawaii’s tropical weather. Why not burn your textbook to start a hibachi? You have to burn paper anyways to get the coals lit so reduce, reuse, and recycle your boring old book.

1. Toilet paper
You always run out of toilet paper at the worst possible moments. Leave your old textbook in the bathroom as Plan B. Try not to leave one of those glossy finished books because it might not absorb the fluids as well. By leaving your textbook in the bathroom, you can also use it as reading material to aid those long moments of pain. When you go camping, you can bring some pages with you as well. It’ll fit in your bag better than a giant roll of toilet paper, and it’s better than returning to camp with one sleeve of your shirt missing.