UH Mānoa has a beautiful weight room with plenty of equipment for all. Unfortunately, community college students are not allowed to use it, even though we are a part of the UH system.
There’s a whole lot of other places to work out in Honolulu, but to do so, you have to shell out lots of cash. Here are seven ways to work out for free, or practically free, in Honolulu.
1. According to Discovery Health, “swimming is a great way to increase muscular strength and muscle tone, especially compared to several other aerobic exercises.” The Mānoa Public pool is open everyday and it’s free.
Fine Print: Check out the website or call the office to see when the pool is open for open swim or lap swim time.

Get pumped up at CrossFit Oahu! photo credit: http://crossfitoahu.com/
2. Have you heard of the CrossFit craze? Keoni Subiono wrote in an article for the Star Bulletin that, “CrossFit is not a specialty program, but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of 10 fitness domains: cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.” CrossFit Oʻahu offers a free hour long class every Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m..
Fine Print: You can go to as many free classes as you want!

Dance your cares away with Zumba. photo credit: http://www.manoadancestudio.com/
3. Zumbafitness.com has a catch phrase to describe their workouts, “Ditch the workout, Join the party!”
The site goes on to describe Zumba as,
“The Latin inspired, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning, dance-fitness party.” Mānoa Dance Studio has one hour morning Zumba classes Monday-Friday from 8:15-9:15.
Fine Print: This class costs money but it’s only $5 a class.

Join the ʻOhana and get fit together. photo credit: http://hawaiifitcamp.blogspot.com/
4. Egan Inoue is a fitness expert who builds your body while building community. On his Bootcamp website, Egan says, “(w)e are all “ʻOhana” here and you will feel comfortable and confident that we are here to guide and help you reach your fitness goals.”
Every Saturday morning at 7 a.m. at Ala Moana Beach, life guard station 1D, Egan leads a free Bootcamp.
Fine Print: Mention Egan’s Fit Body Bootcamp website and get your first week of classes for free!

Find your inner yogi and be sure to bring a towel to mop their brow. photo (cc): www.lockyourknee.com
5. Hot yoga, also known as Bikram yoga, makes you sweat like you’ve never sweat before. At Hot Yoga Nimitz, they turn up the heat as you practice yoga for a little over an hour. It’s in a strange place, on the second floor of the Nimitz Center, but the studio is beautiful. The yoga room is large, there are on site locker rooms with showers, and there is a Kangen water filter that produces Alkaline water at no extra charge.
Fine Print: If you’ve never been, your first week of unlimited yoga is free. After the week you have to pay.

What else is there to do with zombies chasing you? Run! photo credit: http://www.runforyourlives.com
6. If you have a smart phone that synch with either the app store or Google play, you can download this app. It is a role playing game that has you listen to scenarios as you run. Reviews on the apps website include, “Take the rote out of your route by jogging through a zombie apocalypse” and “The only way to save yourself is to run for real. ” You use your own running playlist and the app interrupts your songs to keep you updated as to where you are in the mission, how far zombies are away from you, and when you need to sprint. They app uses GPS to track how fast and far you run.
Fine Print: It costs $3.99 but after you buy the app, you can download missions for free.

Not your average crater hiking trail. photo credit: http://www.everytrail.com/
7) Get out and hike! If you need a challenge to get you motivated, the Koko Head Crater trail is an intense hike with free parking. It is not advised to hike this trail at dark or near dark since there are areas that present a falling hazard. Everytrail.com rates the hike four out of five stars. The trail is 0.7 miles, the difficulty is moderate, and the estimated time is one to three hours.
Fine Print: Watch out, it can be dangerous if you try to go up or down too fast.