Top Ten Winter Stresses

The coming of winter brings many good things. From holidays to cooler weather, we have a lot to look forward too. Nevertheless, we sometimes forget to realize just how hectic the winter season can get. December marks the end of fall semester and the end of the year. We are at the home stretch but can easily get deterred by stress inducing events. For this Top 10, I will go over some stressful situations you may encounter this winter season, and how you might try to avoid or alleviate them.


10. Christmas Music

Maybe Christmas music isn’t stressful, but it’s annoying. It’s inescapable. Pop in your headphones and brace yourself for the upcoming month of endless Christmas songs.


9. Too much family time

Maybe it’s because I have lived away from my family for  two years, but I find that going home for winter break can be tolling. Alone time can alleviate tension. Bring a good book  or take a walk.


8. Political correctness

Is it correct for employees greet customers with a “Merry Christmas”? It’s easier to greet people with “Happy Holidays!”


7. Forced Jollity 

I feel like there is huge pressure to be overly pleasant during the holidays. It’s stressful to pretend for the sake of others when I’m juggling finals, holiday shopping and a mess of other things. Be pleasant when you mean to be. If you’re stressed don’t be ashamed to tell others.


6. News Year’s resolutions

I believe it’s important to put an effort in bettering one’s self regardless of what time of the year it is. if you’re the type to make a New Year’s Resolution, make your resolution realistic, like something that you can do everyday and see progress.


5. Travel Gets Harder

Winter traveling can be a huge source of frustration. Winter travel can be frustrating. Ticket prices are higher and freeways are jammed. Will you  be driving? Give yourself extra time and wear comfortable clothes.


4. Getting Sick

Between traveling, finals and  crowded places, it’s nearly impossible to avoid getting sick. As if fighting off crowds while holiday shopping weren’t hard enough. Wash your hands thoroughly and often, get enough rest and keep your flu shots updated


3. Holiday Shopping

It’s hard to spread holiday cheer when you’re fighting someone for that last toy on the shelf. Enraged moms and unwatched child run rampant from store-to-store. Get your holiday shopping done early, try shopping online, or go earlier in the morning when there is less foot traffic.


2. Weight Gain

With this holiday packed season, it’s inevitable that I’ll gain weight. I find it necessary to switch to yoga pants. Let’s celebrate that while almost everyone else is bundled up, we can still play in the sun and sand.


1. Finals Week

The weeks before and during finals induce hair pulling, teeth grinding and a lot of uncontrollable sobbing. Maybe I’m being a little over dramatic. The truth of it finals are not something to joke  about. Get enough sleep, eat properly and avoid cramming.

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