By Jonathan Webber, Kapi‘o Staff Writer / Something is wrong. Something is definitely wrong. Kapi‘olani Community College student “Tristan” looks past the toaster with its charred remains of once-edible bread...
Learn MoreBy Jonathan Webber, Kapi‘o Staff Writer / Each morning I grab it, removed from the charger. A convenient size, I would not want it larger. Through constant use, I’m a smartphone whiz. What a wonderful tool...
Learn MoreBy Victor Jube, Kapi‘o Staff Writer / As a busy student, the first thing I do when I get to class is reach into my pocket and whip out my iPhone to take a quick relaxing stroll through. I am guilty of this...
Learn MoreBy Fortune Delaney-McClung, Kapi‘o Staff Writer/ While the pressure to graduate on time may seem daunting at times, Kapiolani Community College offers many different ways to help a student succeed in college....
Learn MoreBy SueAnne Juskowich, Kapi‘o Staff Writer/ In an effort to improve on-time graduation rates and increase the percentage of adults with college degrees, the 15 to Finish initiative encourages both incoming...
Learn MoreBy SueAnne Juskowich, Kapi‘o Staff Writer/ In a recent Omnitrak People’s Pulse Survey, a majority of Hawaii residents agreed that college degree is imperative in today’s world. However, the U.S....
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