The Power of Setting Goals
- By Amber Lazorko, Kapiʻo Staff Writer
In college, success often comes from trial and error. Learning from our previous experiences is essential in moving forward, and using what we have learned to set new goals for ourselves can be an effective way of ensuring a more positive, productive and enjoyable semester. Read more …
Campus Security: Six Crimes Reported in 2013, Up from Four in 2012
- By Dwayne Sakaguchi, Kapiʻo Staff Writer
Of the six incidents recorded for 2013, only one — the theft on an unattended purse — involved a student as a victim. Read more …

Officer Shaun St. Vincent heads security at KCC. He came to KCC in April 2012, after 4.5 years at UH Mānoa.
International Week Offered a World of Cultural Opportunities
- By Kevin Deneen, Kapiʻo Staff Writer
On one table, a gathering of international students carefully studied pairings of familiar foods — beni imo and taro, soba and saimin, sata andagi and malasadas — and tried to guess which were Okinawan in origin. Read more …
Biology Students Aid in Battle Against Invasive Algae
- By Ricci Franklin, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
In an ongoing effort to return Maunalua Bay to its former glory, Kapiʻolani Community College professor Wendy Kuntz and her Ecology and Environment Lab class have assisted the environmental group Malama Maunalua in removing hundreds of pounds of invasive algae from from the East O‘ahu waterway this semester. Read more ….
BOSA Events Offer Connections, New Opportunities
- By Carmichael Doan, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Entering the final month of the Fall 2014 semester, Kapiʻolani Community College’s Board of Student Activity (BOSA) continues to stage events to promote student involvement in campus life and to give students a healthy and social outlet from the rigors of study.
The Ice Cream Social on Nov. 5 is intended to provide a relaxing and enjoyable moment of relief before this semester’s testing period begins to gear up. That event will take place on the Great Lawn between 12:15 and 1:30 p.m. Read more...
$1 Million Grant Will Kickstart New KCC Cyber Security & Health Programs
- By Cody Ng, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Kapiʻolani Community College will receive a $1 million federal grant intended to enhance the ability of community colleges to educate and train American workers for full-time employment. The funds will be used to develop new programs in cyber security and health. Read more….
Freeman Program Offers Students a World of Opportunity
- By Miyen Luu, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Since 2004, the Freeman Foundation Community College Program has offered students at Kapiʻolani Community College and other two-year institutions in the University of Hawaiʻi system intensive language training, service learning opportunities and study abroad. Read more...

Joe Overton, director of the Office of International Affairs and chair of the Honda International Center
Cactus Garden King is Named a Distinguished Alumni
- By Kevin Deneen, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Moriso Teraoka has been named one of this year’s Distinguished KCC Alumni.
During the summer of 1988, while walking past Sean Browne’s “Spirits’ Way” statue — a symbol of spiritual change — Teraoka had a vision to surround the sculpture with sustainable plants. He dedicated himself to creating a cactus garden that has become one of the Diamond Head campus’s signature features. Teraoka and fellow honoree Justin Cruz of KHON-2 TV will be honored at the KCC’s annual Harvest Dinner and Membership Drive event on Nov. 21. Read more …
Faculty Senate Moves Toward Greater Transparency
- By Ricci Franklin, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
The Kapiʻolani Community College Faculty Senate is meant to be the voice for all of the faculty members. However, until this semester, there was no system in place to keep track of the ideas and policies faculty were suggesting. Therefore, one of the first things Veronica Ogata did when she was appointed chair of the Faculty Senate was to implement an action request tracking system. Read more...
Kapi‘olani Community College Bands Together for AUW
- By Amber Lazorko, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
With just days left in Kapi‘olani Community College’s Aloha United Way campaign, volunteers are working hard to meet the college’s goal of $11,000 in campus donations.
The fundraising campaign began on Sept. 15 and ends on Friday. As of Tuesday, the school had raised 98% of its targeted goal. Read more …
Sirr Benjamin: The New Face of Local Dance Music?
- By Matt Rockholm, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
With the right side of his head shaved and the hair on the other half left long, Sirr Benjamin looks like a cross between Skrillex and Joseph Gordon Leavitt.
The unassuming DJ, also known as Kapiolani Community College student Benjamin Duong, has been playing shows all around downtown Honolulu since January and has been resident DJ at the Underground for several months. [Listen to a mix at Uproar (original mix).] Read more …
Mo’ Money Movember
- By Dwayne Sakaguchi, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Keahi Salvador, an assistant professor of Spanish, is spearheading a campus-wide effort to raise money for the Movember organization by encouraging men not to shave their mustaches for a whole month. Read Mo’ …
KCC Needs to Address Parking Situation
- By Thai Luong, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
The school is continually getting better, but one issue has to yet to be resolved: the lack of parking spaces on campus.
Students are constantly fighting with each other for parking stalls, and adding tourists and hikers to the mix only makes the problem worse. Many hikers and tourists use the spaces in Parking Lots B and C and walk to the nearby popular Diamond Head State Monument rather than pay a $5 automobile entry fee at the trail. Read More …
Transfer Does Not Have to Mean Insanity
- By Ricci Franklin, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Through Ka’ie’ie, students are able to take classes at both KCC and UHM, before they officially transfer to the Manoa campus. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to get to know the Manoa campus and have access to all that UH has to offer prior to being enrolled, and after the transfer is complete, receive priority registration for classes. Read more …
Film Showcase Embraces New Media
- By Carmichael Doan, Kapiʻo Staff Writer
Cyrina Hadad, co-owner and producer of the independent film showcase Showdown in Chinatown, is working to bring new media technologies to the 10-year anniversary of the event, scheduled for November.
“Showdown is a bridge to a place where filmmakers and students of film can show off all of their hard work,” she said. “It’s a place where they can watch it, show it, compare it, and evolve it.” Read more …
Students Were Ready, Waiting for Ana
- By Thai Luong, Kapiʻo Staff Writer
As Hurricane Ana gathered strength on its westerly approach to the Hawaiian islands last week, Kapiʻolani Community College students were divided on how to properly prepare for its predicted impact. Read more …

Storm swell from Hurricane Ana at South Point on the Big Island of Hawai‘i on Friday, October 17, 2014. (Photo: Courtesy of Harry Durgin, Island Aina/Hawai‘i Island Photography)
Kiosk Offers Writing Help for KCC Students
- By Cody Ng, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
The Aloha Writers’ Kiosk is hub for students at Kapi‘olani Community College to obtain help with writing and editing in a face-to-face environment. Read more …
KCC Scores a $10 Million Grant
- By Thai Luong, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Kapiʻolani Community College a $10 million grant to help the college undertake needed renovations and address other specific campus needs. Read more …

The College’s Center for its award-winning STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) was created and renovated with funds from Title III grants. Photo: KCC STEM program
KCC Ranked Nationally in Campus Diversity
- By Jayme Malo, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Kapi‘olani Community College ranked No.7 in The Chronicle of Higher Education‘s annual list of the nation’s most diverse campuses. “On campus there’s a little bit of each culture, so as we learn from the professors we learn from each other as well,” says Macie Manuwa-Kupihea, a student at KCC. Read more …
Nine from KCC Among 50 Greatest UHCC Contributors
- By Carmichael Doan, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Nine individuals from Kapiʻolani Community College were chosen over the summer to be recognized among the “50 Finest” — the most influential and productive members of the University of Hawaiʻi Community College (UHCC) System over its first 50 years. Read more …
KCC Teams with Kaimuki H.S. to Give Students Peek at Higher Education
- By Dwayne Sakaguchi, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
In an effort to increase the number of high school students enrolling in college after graduation, Kapiʻolani Community College and Kaimuki High School are expanding their existing partnership by offering more college courses on the Kaimuki campus. Read more …
LLL Chair Names Galactic Supercluster
- By Christina Parlin, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Nawa’a Napoleon, chair of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, found inspiration in the beauty of the KCC campus to name the newly identified supercluster of galaxies to which Earth’s own Milky Way galaxy belongs: “I let people know that I am really just the hand for my ancestors. I feel like it is my responsibility, my kuleana, to really give back to the area. It is not so much having prestige of naming something, but more of my responsibility to the land, and to my ancestors who walked this area back in time.” Read more…
Video Credit: “Newly Identified Galactic Supercluster Is Home to the Milky Way” (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
Ka‘ie‘ie Helps KCC Meet Its Transfer Mission
- By Dwayne Sakaguchi, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Kapi‘olani Community College is the top transfer institution in the state, both in percentage and overall number of students who transfer to four-year institutions — thanks in part to Ka‘ie‘ie, a program that allows students to enroll in classes at UHM while still enrolled at a community college. Read more…
New Commercials Highlight the KCC ‘Brand’
- By Thai Luong, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Kapi‘olani Community College recently unveiled six new commercials designed to reverse declining enrollment rates and communicate the college’s “brand” to a larger audience. Read more…
Arts and Science Dean Sasaki Shares Community College Insights with Russians
- By Christina Parlin, Kapi‘o Staff Writer
Kapiʻolani Community College Dean of Arts and Sciences Charles Sasaki traveled to Russia in spring 2013 to reach out to Russian post-secondary education administrators and share his insights about the American community college system.
“It’s a scary place — and challenging,” Sasaki said. “So to see all that stuff on the TV now, and to have me, a kid from Hawaii, go all the way to Russia, much less Ukraine, is amazing.” Despite the tense atmosphere, Sasaki thrived. Read more…
From ART 107 Introduction to Photography, ART 189 Ka Unu Pa‘a: Introduction to Hawaiian Visual Art & Design, ART 207 Intermediate Photography: Techniques and Aesthetics, and ART 299 Independent Study (taught by Kapulani Landgraf).
Published in Le‘ahi, Journal of Creative Arts (2014). For images by KCC students, click on Images in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Play Me a Memory / Anne Lamm

Engulfed / Elliana Moore

Secrets / Nicki Ralar

Passing Time / Joseph Gonzaga

D’accord / Erik Oseto

Ku‘u Home / Moana Doi

Self Portrait (Dr. Martens) / Cassandra Song

Rolling Fog / Noelani Ho

Monroe / Dominic Aurelio

Son of Suns / Cole Freund

Daydreaming / Bree Ahnee

Kaleikulaakeliiokalani / Kalei Makua
Acrylic [Untitled]
- By Guy Campbell
See more Acrylics by Guy Campbell …
Kapiʻo Voices & Views is a publication of the Board of Student Publication (BoSP) at the University of Hawaii at Kapi‘olani. To submit student writing or to suggest stories, contact faculty advisor Michael Tsai.
Kapiʻo Voices & Views publishes student writing and visual work in the following categories:
- News (Events and Upcoming Events)
- Features (Stories, Profiles. Interviews)
- Opinions (Editorials, Reviews, Reflections)
- Images (Photography and Images of 2D and 3D Art Works)
The published works reflect the opinions and views of the students, not those of Kapi‘olani Community College or its administration, faculty, and staff.
For a submission form and more about the Board of Student Publication (BoSP), see Student Publications. Send inquiries to